

Available through eBay or Etsy.

Slip cast porcelain cat decorated in with a lightly textured, iridescent glaze. The piece was glazed and subjected to a raku firing which rendered the glaze in iridescent shades with a dark undertone. As you move the piece around, the iridescence picks up a range of rainbow hues. The piece is unsigned, but clearly handmade due to the labor-intensive firing process.

Western-style raku firings are the most dramatic form of ceramic firing. They involve quickly heating bisqued pots in outdoor kilns to 1,800 degrees, then plunging the red-hot pots into open-air containers that are filled with combustible materials. The containers burst into flame and smoke, which stains the unglazed portions of the pottery black. The amount of oxygen that is allowed during the firing and cooling process affects the resulting color of the glaze and the amount of texture.

Approximately 10 inches tall, 6 inches wide, 3 inches deep.

In excellent condition with no chips, cracks, crazing or other signs of wear.